Monday, October 13, 2008

First Time Blogger

well it is what it is.... I am a good person... Loving my family and going to school full time and being me.. Who would of thought that would be so hard. I have a good family and good friends sometimes Im over whelmed. But Im going to fine. After this semester I wont be so bogged down at school and can spend more time where its more needed. In the last year things have changed for me. I went from spending 60 hours in an office( Including what I took home with me) , to going to college full time to work on my nursing degree. Its a journey, and boy am I learning. It has been a huge adjustment for me and my family. My husband is a wonderful father and usually does not complain, although I know I am changing his life too. My kids are awesome little humans who take it all in stride. I know I wouldnt be able to move on without them. I have a best friend who for sure brings out the best in me. She is so strong, and I always know she is going to have a smile on her face no matter what.. In September of this year she ws diagnosed with Breast Cancer and still a smile everyday. She is strong and confident... So I am too. She will be fine. Just working it everyday and counting down the days that are doing and moving forward. alrighty guys enough for now. Off to work on microbiology... Gotta work for those goals. Wish me luck.


COTY said...

Welcome to blogland. Sorry to read about your friend. My girlfriend was diagnosed a year ago april. Its been really hard on her but as of today she is doing very well. Stay strong for your friend she will need you.

Kim Hayworth said...

Thank you, I am glad your girlfriend is doing well, Erica truly is also she just has a long road ahead of her and of course I will worry, but I will be strong for her. Thanks for those words. Sometimes I need to hear that.